Bought for Christmas Read online

Page 10

  Hunter took a deep breath and straightened up slowly.

  “Morning, kitten, or should that be afternoon. I was beginning to think you’d sleep the day away.” He turned round, and his easy smile meant she launched herself at him. Hunter caught her easily, and with her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms round his shoulder, she clung to him like a monkey, while they kissed.

  By the time Hunter slowly put her back on her feet, they were both breathing heavily, and Hunter rested his forehead on hers.

  “Merry Christmas, kitten.”

  Tears sprang into Emilia’s eyes at the choked emotion behind those three words. Words she knew he hadn’t said since his brother had died, and the fact that he was willing to say them now, to her, meant the world to her.

  “Merry Christmas, Sir.”

  He kissed her on the nose and stepped back with a smirk kicking up the side of his mouth.

  “A wardrobe full of dresses and she chooses to wear my old shirt on Christmas Day. Don’t most people dress up for the occasion?” He winked at her, and hands on hips Emilia made a big show of looking him up and down.

  “Says the bear who looks more like a carpenter right now.”

  She let her gaze wander over the wide expanse of his bare chest, liberally sprinkled with dark hair that narrowed into a happy trail. She followed that path until it disappeared into the waistband of his jeans, and her mouth went dry at the thick outline of his erect cock under the faded denim.

  Hunter cleared his throat, and Emilia smiled at the strained quality of his voice.

  “You keep looking at me like that, kitten, and I’ll forget about Christmas dinner, and just have you to eat instead.”

  Emilia’s cheeks heated at the mental images that brought to mind, but her stomach chose that moment to rumble and Hunter laughed.

  “I guess I best feed you though.”

  So that was the other delicious smell that made her mouth water.

  “You cooked?” she asked, and Hunter cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, well, it was more raiding the freezer and letting the oven do the rest. Mrs. R, who cleans this place for me, has a rabid fascination with all things Christmas, hence all the Christmas biscuits you mutilated for decorations.” He pulled one off the string, dangling in front of him, and popped it in his mouth with a sinful smirk that made every feminine bone in her body melt.

  “I did not mutilate anything, but I did wonder why you had them. I will admit that.”

  Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

  “Yes, Mrs. R. She is a veritable Santa. Sure enough I found a turkey crown, roast potatoes, and all the trimmings in the bowels of the freezer, so you’ll have your Christmas dinner after all. I’m just gonna wash up and then we can eat. Judging by the smell it’s ready.”

  He turned to leave, and then stopped and looked back at her with a rueful grin.

  “You’ve found it before, so by all means put on some Christmas music. If we’re gonna do this, we should do it properly. And, like I said. You have some lovely dresses in that wardrobe. Use them.”

  “I can’t see the point. You’ll only tear it off me later. Admit it, that’s the only reason you bought them. So I wouldn’t moan when you ruin all of my clothes. I’m still pissed you tore that lovely jumper.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and sulked.

  Hunter looked stunned for a minute and then threw his head back and roared in laughter.

  “You’re something else, Emilia Duncan.”

  She took a mock curtsy, and he shook his head at her still laughing.

  “I’ll buy you another one of those damn jumpers if you like it so much, and let’s eat our Christmas dinner naked for all I care. It’s just the two of us after all. Let’s make it our new Christmas tradition.”

  Emilia couldn’t help it. She burst into tears at that statement, and Hunter sobered instantly. In the next second she was in his arms, cradled against his big chest with him murmuring soothing nonsense into her hair. Hunter picked her up and sat down on the settee in front of the fire.

  Cupping her chin he tipped her head up and kissed the tears off her face.

  “Your family?” he asked, and she nodded.

  “I know it’s silly, but—”

  Hunter kissed her, stopping her objections, and she sighed into his kiss. Here in his arms, surrounded by the man she loved, her heart ached a little less, but her father’s rejection still hurt. Her brother’s even more so, especially at Christmas.

  “I love you,” she whispered, and Hunter stilled around her. She held her breath, suddenly unsure. Surely he loved her, too, didn’t he? He hadn’t said the words, but they were as good as married. In fact their bond was supposedly unbreakable, and far more sacred than mere marriage. Had she read too much into his actions? Maybe this was something forced on him by the mating bond, and love had nothing to do with it? Emilia swallowed the rising bile back down and pushed against his chest, but he was like an immovable mountain around her.

  “I love you, too, kitten.” A sob escaped her at his strangled reply, and he tightened his hold on her. “Never doubt that, baby. I’ve loved you for a long time, but I never thought you could feel the same, not about someone like me…”

  “Not that again, you—”

  Hunter laughed, stopping her mid-sentence.

  “Put your claws away, kitten. I don’t feel like that anymore. You’re mine. I know that.”

  She slapped his chest and scowled up at him.

  “And you’re mine. No one else is going to get their claws into you, but this kitten.”

  Hunter kissed her nose and nodded.

  “Too fucking right, and this bear will tear any man to shreds who as much as looks at you the wrong way.”

  His growly possessiveness made happiness spread through her veins like the warming rays of a summer’s day, and she sighed.

  “I just wish I could sort your stubborn father and brother as easily. I spoke to him earlier.”

  Emilia blinked in surprise and sat up straighter.

  “You did?”

  Hunter nodded, and his mouth clenched into a grim line.

  “Are they okay?” she asked, dreading his answer.

  “Physically, yes. Emotionally, who the fuck knows. I set him straight on a few things, mainly you and me, and that I wouldn’t stand idly by while he cut you out of the family business.”

  Emilia gasped, and Hunter shrugged his shoulders.

  “I know, you say you don’t want any part of it, but that is not the point. I also told him the truth about Leo.”

  “How did he take that?”

  Hunter glanced at her, and she read the truth in his amber eyes.

  “Not well. Once he stopped cursing and calling me all the names under the sun, he calmed down enough to somewhat listen to reason. Besides I’ve made it a condition of his getting the shares back that Leo seeks help.”

  “You did?” Emilia asked, emotion making her voice shake, and Hunter smiled at her.

  “Of course I did, baby. They’re your family, and as such they’re mine now, too. Besides you love them, and it might not do any good, but I had to try—for you.”

  Emilia pulled his head down to kiss him, and the world seemed brighter.

  “What was that for?” Hunter asked, and she grinned up at him.

  “Just because.”

  Hunter grew serious, and she sobered.

  “It might not do any good, you know that, right?” he asked, and Emilia fell in love with him a little more right there and then.

  “I know, but Christmas is a time for miracles, so I shall choose to believe that it will. After all it brought me you.”

  Hunter shook his head in wry amusement.

  “Some folks would say getting hitched to the Beast is a punishment, rather than a present, and certainly no miracle.”

  “Poppycock. Since when have I ever cared what some people think? But, there is one thing that’s been playing on my mind. I can’t just up and leave my work, and
you’re … where are we anyway?” she asked, and Hunter laughed.

  “Ah, finally she asks me. We’re in Cumbria, kitten. I own this patch of forest, and this cabin. It’s my hideaway when the world gets a bit too much, and I just need to be my bear for a while.”

  “I see, and you work in…”

  “London, but then you know that. What are you worrying over?”

  “Well, I live and work in Toddington. I can’t just leave, and—”

  His bear’s annoyed growl stopped her mid speech, and she swallowed nervously as she looked up into the eyes of his animal.

  “Did I ask you to? I’ll relocate. Fuck, I move into your place with you. It’s not a big deal, and Toddington is only a trip up the M1 to get into London.”

  Emilia knew her mouth fell open in surprise, and he shut it with one clawed finger.

  “You’ll never fit into my tiny little place,” she said, and Hunter narrowed his eyes and gave her that look.

  “Are you calling me fat, woman? I’ll let you know I’m in prime condition.”

  Emilia smirked at that. “I thought you were a bear, not cattle for sale on the market.”

  Hunter grasped her chin and allowed his claws to sink into her skin. Tiny pinpricks of pain they grounded her, and she murmured a hasty, “Sorry, Sir.”

  “Better, girl, much better, and if need be I’ll buy a place. I’m sure there must be property for sale there.”

  Her heart leapt at that as excitement coursed through her veins, and she dropped her gaze to his neck, lest he read it in her eyes, but she should have known he would notice. He did before they were mated. Now, he could sense her emotions far easier. Sure enough he tightened his hold, and his growl held an edge of demand she was utterly unable to resist.

  “Eyes on me, kitten. What is going on in that head of yours? Have you got somewhere in mind?”

  Emilia found it hard to breathe under his undivided attention. The scent of something burning registered as he lifted his nose and sniffed, yet he still didn’t let her up.

  “If you want any chance of an edible dinner, you better tell me now, or biscuits on string it’ll be for you.”

  Emilia giggled at that image, and his lips, too, curved into a smile, but his attention didn’t waver.

  “Well,” Emilia lipped her lips and took a deep breath. “There is this cottage. It’s been for sale for a while, but I could never afford it, and—”

  “Consider it bought,” he said, and lifting her off him, made his way over to the oven. Smoke billowed out as he yanked it open, and Hunter lifted the rather well done roast onto the work top.

  “Ah well, the meat will do. I’m afraid the parsnips are history, and I hope you like your roast potatoes on the crunchy side.”

  He winked at her, and Emilia shook her head.

  “No?” he asked, and Emilia came up behind him to look at the various trays he pulled out.

  “No, I mean that’s not … what do you mean consider it bought? You haven’t seen it. You might hate it for all I know and—”

  “Do you like it?” Hunter interrupted her and popped one of the roast potatoes into her mouth when she opened to speak again. The hot vegetable threatened to burn her tongue, and she rolled it around her mouth and sucked in air in an effort to cool it down. Hunter swore and handed her a glass of water, and she eagerly filled her mouth to cool it down. Once she had managed to swallow the thing, she nodded her thanks.

  “I do. I love it in fact, but that doesn’t mean that you will.”

  Hunter smiled and kissed her nose.

  “Yes, I will, but if it makes you feel better, tell me about it.”

  “Well, it backs onto a little bit of forest and it’s just outside the village, and it’s got a lovely big garden to … well, you know.”

  Hunter grinned and raised his eyebrows.

  “To do what, kitten? Do enlighten me.”

  Emilia knew her cheeks were flaming, and she dropped her gaze to his chest and mumbled the words.

  “I always wanted a dog, you see…”

  She let her voice trail off, and Hunter kissed her. She could feel his smile in the butterfly kisses he trailed along her jaw, and down under her ear. He inhaled and bit down lightly on her earlobe, setting her right back into wanting to jump him mode.

  “A dog, huh. Sounds like it would be ideal for other little things, too. Like cubs maybe?”

  He pulled back and studied her, and a slow grin spread over his face when she realized what he’d said.

  “Cubs. I’m going to give birth to cubs?”

  Hunter laughed, and over the ringing in her ears his amusement finally registered.

  “Not right now, you’re not, kitten,” he said. “But one day? I sure as fuck hope so.”

  Emilia still wasn’t sure whether he was just pulling her leg or not, so she settled for glaring at him.

  “Cubs?” she asked again, and he finally took pity on her and sobered.

  “No, don’t look so worried. You’ll have a perfectly ordinary looking baby … or babies.” He laughed again, when she gasped. “But at some point, if he, she, they inherit the ability to shift, a secluded garden where they can do so safely, will be perfect. So, you see your cottage will do just fine.”

  “Oh, that’s all right then.” Emilia couldn’t quite keep the sarcasm out of her voice, but then again, wasn’t that what she wanted? For this Christmas to be different? She’d certainly gotten her wish and then some…


  Three years later

  “Merry Christmas, Em. Make it a good one.” Emilia smiled at her colleague as she pulled the front door shut behind her. Homebirths were her favorite part of the job, and there was something extra magical about bringing new life into the word at this time of year. Both of them had stayed past their shift to see this birth through. A much loved IVF baby, not so little Noelle had taken her time, and had it not been for their joined experience and Mum’s fierce determination to have the home water birth she wanted, this all could have ended up very differently.

  In the end, everything had come together, and despite Noelle weighing in at a whopping almost ten and half pounds, Mum had only needed a few stitches, and mum, baby, and doting daddy were now tucked up in bed together.

  “You, too, Sarah. See you in the New Year. Have fun.”

  Both of them had managed to get this Christmas period off, having been on call for the last two, and looked forward to spending the festive period with their loved ones. Or loved one, in Emilia’s case.

  She refused to let the continuing rift with her father and brother cloud this time of year. Apart from the obligatory card at Easter and Christmas and a strained phone call on her birthday, she hadn’t heard from them. At least Leo had finally managed to sober up, after another stint in rehab, and seemed to pour his energies into the business instead of the drugs that had had him in their thrall for far too long.

  The middle aged midwife smiled, waved goodbye, and then promptly blushed.

  “Oh, I reckon you’ll have much more fun than me. You husband looks up to something.”

  Sure enough, Hunter stood leaning against his car, hands stuffed in his pockets, a curious smile playing round his lips.

  “He really is a hunk, that one, especially when he looks at you.” Sarah gave a rather teenage like sigh, and Emilia laughed and shook her head.

  “What?” Sarah winked at her, and lifted a hand in greeting to Hunter. He nodded, not once taking his eyes off Emilia. “It’s the way he’s only got eyes for you. Makes him rather swoon-worthy, despite, well, you know.”

  Emilia knew only too well. The world at large would only ever see the beast. Few looked past the scars to the man underneath. Sarah was one of the few that did, and thus she and her husband had become frequent dinner guests.

  “Anyway, have fun. Is he whisking you away somewhere nice?” Sarah asked, and Emilia nodded.

  “Oh, yes, he is.”

  “Don’t let me keep you then.”

p; Emilia gave the other woman a hug, and clearing her mind of anything else stepped up to her husband, mate, and Sir.

  Hunter pulled her collar out of his pocket, and Emilia found herself slip further into her submissive head space.

  Bowing her head she inhaled deeply, pulling his beloved scent into her lungs, as he clicked the lock shut around her neck, and hooking one finger into the d-ring of her collar pulled her closer to kiss her.

  “Ready, kitten?” he asked.

  “Oh yes, Sir.”

  Hunter placed one of his hands on her slightly swollen belly, and their babies twisted inside.

  “How are my girls?” he asked, and Emilia smiled.

  “They’re fine, but their mummy isn’t.”

  Hunter cocked an eyebrow at her, and his sinful grin made her hold her breath.

  “Well, then, get in this car and we’ll have to see what we can do about that, won’t we. It’s a long drive to the cabin after all, and I seem to recall I’ve bought you for Christmas.”

  “Yes, Sir, I do believe you have.”

  The End

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