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Through the Dom's Lens Page 2

  A door opened, and she didn't need to turn around to know it was him. His scent alone alerted her to his presence. The subtle shift in the ambience of the room that meant her whole body tightened in need. The fine hair on her arms rose, and her heart was trying to give itself a cardiac arrest. Never had Sally been this affected by any man before. She was no innocent, but no man had ever made her slick her panties just by his presence.

  "Raise your head into the light for me, pet."

  She responded to the silken command in those velvet tones immediately, and she could hear the laughter and approval when he added.

  "Good girl. You're beautiful without all the war paint. I don't ever want to see you wear it again when you're with me, is that clear?"

  "Yes, Master J."

  "Call me Sir, pet. I haven't earned the right to demand you call me your Master—yet."

  The way he said yet sent a rush of heat through her body. It had a possessive quality to it that she yearned to see more of. It was a direct contrast to her last so-called boyfriend, who had taken possessive to a whole new level of abusive. She pushed those thoughts away. Sally hadn't thought about him in ages, and she would not let unwelcome memories spoil this moment.

  Junsako watched her patiently, and she took a deep breath.

  "O-Okay … Sir."

  His smile in answer sent the warmth of his approval through her veins, and he nodded and grew serious.

  "Drop your robe off your shoulders and let me see you."

  Sally complied, heat filling her cheeks at the thought of being that exposed to him, especially as all of his concentration was now on her. He murmured his instructions as he took pictures, and she had no choice but to follow those quiet demands. Only the click of the camera, the rustle of his clothes, and their combined breathing could be heard in the stillness of the room.

  "That's my girl. Don't hide from me. Let me see those curves."

  For what seemed like ages Sally twirled this way and that, whilst he took picture after picture, until finally he stepped into her view and put the digital camera down on a tripod.

  He frowned when she tried to cover her breasts, and she hastily dropped her arms to the side.

  "Better," he said, and her mouth went dry when she saw what he now held in his hands. It was a long length of crimson bondage rope, and he ran it through his fingers repeatedly as he studied her.

  "Now that you're relaxed enough with the camera, I'm going to Shibari tie you. Just a simple design to start with, I think. Did Aikiri give you your safeword?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Which is?" he asked, his eyes crinkling up at the corners giving away his Japanese mother as surely as the straight black hair that kept falling into one eye. The color of his skin spoke of his American father, a combination that made him rather unique. Her fingers itched to touch him, but she knew better than to try.

  "Red to stop, Sir. Green for okay, and yellow if I'm not sure of anything."

  He stepped closer still and gently ran the rope over her collar bone and across her breasts. Instantly her nipples beaded into hard little nubs of pure need. He noticed of course, because that smile of his grew positively sinful, and he repeated the motion, until Sally couldn't hold back her whimper of excitement.

  "And what color are we now, pet?" he asked.

  "Green, Sir."

  Sally grimaced at the breathy quality of her reply and sucked her breath in when he trailed that rope lower, across the quivering skin of her rounded tummy down to her mound. She spread her legs automatically, and he murmured his approval into her ear.

  "Good girl. You're so wet for me already, and we've barely started."

  She screwed her eyes shut, as heat flooded her cheeks. By rights she ought to be mortified, but the almost reverent tones in which he praised her responses left no room for shame. Just heated arousal, which flushed her skin, as he ran the soft rope through her slick folds with just enough pressure to tease.

  "I'm going to do something else, to make sure you truly let go, my love. I can almost see those thoughts swirling in your brain." He cupped her face, his own so close that his hot breath skittered across her skin like a sensual embrace.

  "Look at me."

  Her eyes fluttered open to see him studying her, and he kissed her nose softly.

  "That's my girl. I'm going to blindfold you, to make this easier on you. Let all those thoughts go, and just allow yourself to feel. I'll keep you safe, pet. That's my job, and I'm very good at it."

  On any other man that would have sounded boastful, but he simply stated the truth, and Sally knew that. Heaven knows she'd researched him enough beforehand. For the life of her she couldn’t get her voice to work, however, so she simply looked up at him and nodded.

  His smile of approval made her insides dance in joy, and her heart missed a beat when he produced a silken blindfold and tied it around her eyes.

  "Color, pet?"

  Sally tried to respond, she really did, but the unintelligible sound she produced didn't make any sense to her. It must have been enough for him, though, because he chuckled and tightened that rope left between her legs so much that she had to stand on tiptoes and lean into him with a gasp of pleasure.

  "That's it, my love." His murmured assurance grounded her as every stroke of his hands, and every brush of the rope against her skin pitched her arousal higher. Time stood still as he wove the rope with exquisite skill, encasing her body, until she was held in the tightest of embraces, secure in the knowledge that he had her.

  By the time her feet lifted off the floor, she was already floating, his voice her anchor in the maelstrom of sensation overload she found herself in. Tears seeped out from behind the blindfold, tears he swiped away with his fingertips, always there, always checking her, reassuring, his touch everywhere at once.

  "Fly for me."

  She sighed into the kiss, which followed that whispered demand. A kiss so gentle, yet so all-encompassing that she started crying in earnest. Held by the ropes, suspended in the air, he surrounded her, and then she was free. Rocking gently to and fro, free from all the stress and worry she'd been carrying around, her heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened, as she just felt.

  Chapter Three

  Sally's responsiveness blew him away, and he stood back and drank in the beauty of her slightly swaying form. He hadn't meant to go as far as suspending her, but when she'd surrendered so beautifully, and naturally, he'd taken the next step to make her first experience as good for her as could be. Silent tears ran down her face, testament to how deep she had slipped into her happy place, and his chest tightened. Why he should feel so drawn to her was beyond him, but every instinct in his being called him to claim her. Told him that she was the one.

  He ran through a last set of pictures and then buzzed in Aikiri. She smiled at him and nodded her consent when he told her to tidy up and go home.

  "You've got the pictures you needed, Sir?" she asked.

  Junsako didn't bother replying, his attention too focused on releasing Sally from her bonds, without jarring her out of her blissful state of submission.

  The last knot untied, Sally collapsed into his arms with a mewl of contentment that had his dick jerk against his fly and brought home the urgency to get her somewhere more private to finish this. Aikiri handed him a blanket to wrap around Sally, and then opened the door for him.

  "I took the liberty to have some food delivered for the two of you, Sir. Have a great evening."

  A cheeky grin lit up his former submissive's face, and he couldn't help but smile back at her.

  "Very good, Aikiri, but I wonder what your Master will have to say about you taking liberties."

  Her smile slipped, and Junsako's amusement bubbled over into a belly laugh.

  "Relax, Aikiri. You always were far too easy to tease. Clear my schedule for the rest of the weekend. I have no wish to be anywhere but here." He tightened his hold on Sally, and she snuggled into his chest in such a trusting way that he had to close
his eyes to regain some of his composure.

  "I understand, Sir."

  Aikiri touched his arm briefly and then turned her back on him to continue clearing up. Junsako took the stairs to his loft bedroom three at a time. The sun was setting and cast the interior in an inviting orange glow, and he inhaled sharply as the enticing smells of his favorite Japanese takeaway invaded his nostrils. Sally, too, stirred in his arms, and her breathy little voice made him wish for other things than food.

  "That smells wonderful, whatever that is."

  "Yes, it does, pet, and I just know how I'm going to eat this, too."

  He smiled down on her as he settled her in the middle of his king size bed. Situated in the middle of the room it afforded unrivalled views of London's city line through the floor to ceiling windows that made up his loft space. They opened onto a little roof garden, and her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. She also clutched the blanket tighter around herself, and he frowned.

  "What did I say about not hiding from me, pet?"

  A shiver went through her, and she bit her lip, and then stopped and threw him such a pleading look that he relented and smiled.

  "We'll have to work on your self-esteem, pet. When you see the pictures I took you'll see how beautiful you are."

  Heat climbed into her cheeks, and he had to resist the urge to kiss her senseless.

  "First things first, we need to eat. You'll need your sustenance for what I have in mind later."

  She sucked in a sharp breath, and her almond eyes grew huge.

  "I-I thought I was just here for the photo shoot. You don't have to … I mean…"

  Her voice trailed off, and she blanched when he strode toward her and grabbed the hand she was clutching the blanket with. Junsako held it to the rock hard erection straining against the zipper of his jeans.

  "I most definitely do, pet. Stop doubting, or I will put you over my knee and spank that gorgeous ass of yours, until you realize how much I want to fuck you."

  He smiled grimly at her sharp intake of breath and forestalled her next objection.

  "No, I do not fuck my models usually. Maddy was very much the exception."

  She yanked her hand out of his grasp and scooted away from him until her back hit the headboard of the bed.

  "You slept with Maddy? What the hell? Has she set me up? What sort of fucked up mess is this?"

  Every pore in her body seemed to quiver with indignation, and Junsako grinned. He pulled the table laden with food closer to the bed, so that he could reach it and sat down on the edge of his bed. Grabbing one of Sally's ankles he pulled her closer to him, when she made to scoot away further.

  "Don't make me tie you up again, pet. You wouldn't like it this time round."

  Sally pouted her annoyance and ground her teeth together, but she stayed put, and Junsako scooped some of his beef donburi and offered it to her. Sally shook her head, and he sighed in an exaggerated fashion.

  "Open for me, and let me feed you, pet. This is not a request."

  She glared at him.

  "I can feed myself, and you haven't answered my question. I want the truth, or I … I'll walk out of here right now."

  The absurdity of that statement must have dawned on her, because she clutched that blasted blanket tighter still and frowned at it, as though it was all that piece of material's fault.

  "And where the hell are my clothes? You can't keep me here against my will."

  Junsako smiled at that little impassioned speech, and tapped her bottom lip to open up.

  "You signed a consent form when you arrived, pet. It states that you're here of your own free will. I have your limits. Trust me, or say your safeword and this all stops now, and I'll take you home. However, if you're half as aroused as I know you are, you'll stay and let us explore this connection we share."

  Sally swallowed hard, and he shrugged his shoulders and ate the delicious morsel of food himself. He didn't miss the way Sally's eyes darkened as she watched him lick his fingers clean.

  "This really is delicious. You should try some, pet."

  She tentatively reached across, and stopped when he shook his head.

  "If you want to use your hands drop the blanket and let me see you. If you want to keep covered, you'll let me feed you. Those are your choices, pet."

  She froze and glared some more, but some of the tension left her body, and she dutifully opened her mouth to let him feed her. The sensation of her hot, moist tongue sliding across his digits had his softening cock jerk back into full alert state, and he groaned under his breath.

  Renewed heat climbed into her cheeks, even as she made appreciative little noises at the back of her throat as the flavors of the dish no doubt exploded on her tongue.

  "Good, isn't it?" he asked with a smile, and she nodded and leant toward him for the next scoopful.

  "What is it?" she asked when she'd swallowed that lot and washed it away with the glass of water he held up for her to drink.

  "One of my favorite donburi. It's a traditional Japanese rice dish with meat layered on the top. This one is beef. Aikiri ordered us pork and seafood, too, if you'd like to try them?"

  He smiled at her eager nod, and they spent the next few minutes with him feeding her small amounts of each until she turned her head away.

  "Aren't you eating any?" she finally asked.

  "Oh, I will, but I want to eat off you, and it's cool enough now not to burn your skin."


  Sally couldn't have heard him right. Did he just say he wanted to eat off her?

  A wave of arousal so fierce it took her breath away coursed through her veins at the wickedly erotic images those words evoked, and she clenched her thigh muscles to relieve the resultant ache in her wet pussy. He noticed, of course, and she stopped breathing altogether when he put one large hand on her leg, just above her knee.

  His dark skin was such a contrast to her pale complexion, and she swallowed hard, mesmerized by the sight.

  "What about Maddy?" She hated how wobbly her voice sounded, but she couldn't invade on her sister's territory, and she wouldn't just be a convenient fuck, no matter how attracted she was to him.

  "What about her, pet?"

  He nudged her chin up with his free hand, and she shivered under the intensity of his quiet regard.

  "You and her?"

  He smiled, and every feminine cell in her body sighed in submission at the sheer sinful nature of that grin.

  "I met your sister years ago when she was starting in the model industry. We had a brief and mutually satisfying affair. I haven't seen her in years, though I've followed her career with interest. She's done well for herself, even if she's too thin these days." His smile deepened when she couldn't help but react to that, and he trailed the hand on her leg higher up her thigh. Sally opened up for him automatically, and she bit back a groan when his fingertips grazed her wet slit.

  He removed his hand and held his glistening digits up for her to see and then sucked the tips clean. Her stomach tightened at his groan of appreciation.

  "I knew you'd taste delicious, pet, and I love how wet you are for me already, when we've barely started."

  She opened her mouth to say something, anything to defuse the sexually charged atmosphere between them, but, really, what was there to say? Her body gave her away as surely as though she'd have hung a neon sign around her neck, blatantly advertising her arousal.

  "I phoned her to ask her what she was playing at. She knew I'd realize immediately that you weren't her, and do you know what she said?"

  His voice dropped an octave, his accent thickening, and blood rushed in Sally's ears, as her body drew tight in need. She could come from listening to his voice alone. Deep, dark, and sensual it pulled her under until she was ready to do just about anything for him. He clearly knew the effect he was having on her, because he smiled and balled his hands into her hair to tug her head back. Junsako leant in closer and inhaled against the rapidly beating pulse point in her neck,
and then licked a path up to her ear. His hot breath skittered across her senses, and she closed her eyes against the myriad of sensations assaulting her when he whispered in her ear.

  "Ask me what she said, pet."

  Sally swallowed several times to get her voice to work and then somehow squeaked her question.

  "What did she say?"

  "That she was sorry to deceive me, but that you needed taking care of. She also said, and I quote, ‘Sally is a born sub, and she needs to get laid. I wouldn't trust anyone but you with my little sister, so take care of her.’"

  Sally pulled away from him to be able to see his expression, but she could read nothing but sincerity in his amazing eyes, and for the second time this evening her world tilted a little.

  "Are you telling me she made herself ill on purpose so that she could send me instead?"

  Junsako shrugged his massive shoulders and pulled her back until he could sink his teeth into the soft flesh of her ear lobe. The sharp sting shot straight to her clit, and she pulled a shuddering breath into her lungs.

  "As to that, you would have to ask her. I wouldn't put it past her. She's always been impulsive, as I'm sure you know, and forgive me, but I really don't care too much about the mechanics." He delivered little bites along her neck, his teeth just sinking in enough to cause the most delicious erotic pain that meant her nipples hardened, her breasts grew heavy, and her pussy grew so wet it was getting uncomfortable.

  "Now, if that covers all your objections, I'm mighty hungry, and I want to eat."

  Chapter Four

  Sally's heartbeat went into overdrive, and her breaths grew shallow. Her amazing tits rose and fell in rapid succession, and even through the cover of the soft blanket Junsako could see her nipples firm into hard little beacons. He could smell the sweet musk of her arousal, laced with her nervousness. His little subbie was thinking too much. His?