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Goldie and Her bears Page 4

  He dragged her back to his room, and the flogging delivered on the St. Andrew’s cross left her ass on fire and in need of tending. It also gave her the biggest sexual high yet, and she was grateful they were in the middle of nowhere and the club not yet open, so only Jacob and Cat heard her screams of surrender.

  When she finally came back down to earth, Jason’s husky chuckle was in her ear. He inserted the bullet deep into her vagina and flicked the remote, and her body climbed again.

  “Please, no more.” Goldie sobbed the words, desperately trying to hold off the orgasm Jason’s toy sent her spiraling toward.

  “Will you listen next time, sub?” He molded his warm, naked body to her back, pinning her to the cross even more, and she yanked at her restraints. He rubbed his beard into her neck while delivering small bites along her skin, the sensation travelling through her, pitching her arousal higher still, and she moaned her acquiescence.

  “I can’t hear you.” He growled the words into her shoulder blades while kissing along her skin, left far too sensitive by the flogger, and Goldie tensed when he spread the cheeks of her ass and she felt the invasion of two lubed fingers. He pushed the toy in deep, and kicked it up another notch.

  Goldie thrashed against the restraints. “No—I mean—God—no—Jas—Sir—please…” She didn’t even know what she was begging for anymore, too caught up in the myriad of sensations assaulting her body, waiting for the magic words only Jason could say.

  “You’re so hot and wet, Goldie, your beautiful skin red by my hands. Who owns you, sub?” He bit her hard, and Goldie groaned in pain or pleasure, she couldn’t distinguish anymore. “Who, Goldilocks? Tell me, or I’ll leave you hanging.”

  He rubbed his cock along her slit repeatedly, his deep voice sinking into her soul, and the words came. “You, Sir.”

  She sighed in relief when he withdrew his fingers, his voice husky with approval. “Good girl. Come for me.” His fingers resumed their erotic dance in her ass, stretching her, preparing her for his entry. The rib of foil came seconds before his sheathed cock slid into her ass. He pounded her into the cross as her body soared again with the certain knowledge that she was indeed his.

  When the room stopped spinning, Jason released the restraints, and she collapsed into his arms, a trembling, spent mass of thoroughly fucked woman. He picked her up and carried her out of his room into another and lowered her to the bed with infinite care, murmuring endearments. Goldie basked in the emotion she saw in his golden eyes, ridiculously happy that he was pleased with her.

  That is, until he smiled and addressed Cat. Goldie realized with a start that she was in Catalina’s room, and Cat was in full Domme mode, dressed to kill.

  Cat was next to her instantly, her full lips pulled into a tight pinch, and Goldie had to resist the urge to cover herself. Jason cupped her chin and dropped a kiss on her nose. “Cat will look after you. You need pampering or you’ll be too sore later. I’ve got to go.”

  He smiled at her, mumbled something to Catalina, then left. Goldie jumped at the click of the door, not daring to look at the other woman. Muffled laughter and the front door slamming shut signaled the departure of the men.

  Oh good God. She was completely on her own with the formidable Catalina in a room full of chains and whips and other things she didn’t even know the name of, naked as the day she was born, and the damn woman just stood there, watching her. Heat rose in Goldie’s cheeks at ‘Catalina’s silent perusal, and she twisted the bedcovers in her fingers. Why didn’t she say something?

  Catalina moved to the other side of the bed and stopped. She cleared her throat and opened and shut a drawer. Then she circled the bed again. Goldie’s heart tried to beat itself out of her chest. What on earth was Catalina doing? Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Catalina spoke.

  “Can you walk?”

  Good question. Goldie had no idea. She wasn’t even sure she could stand right now, but then she had died about a thousand little deaths. That was bound to make her feel as though her bones had liquefied.

  “I asked you a question!”

  Goldie flinched at the irritation those words carried with them, but before she could answer, Cat tipped her chin up. “For heaven’s sake, stop acting as though I’m going to eat you. As appealing as that thought is, Jason was right. You need a good long soak in the bath and then a massage to protect your skin. He was far too hard on you.”

  Goldie’s mouth fell open at the grudging delivery, and she at long last looked at Catalina. She looked irritated as hell, but there was genuine concern in her eyes, and Cat smiled at her. “That’s better. He should be doing this, but he’s got urgent business to sort out before the game, so I’m the next best thing.” She straightened, and Goldie’s gaze fell to the little plastic tub in her hand.

  “What’s that?”

  “That, my sweet, is my very own recipe salve to make you as good as new. Never had to use it on one of Jason’s subs before, mind you. I’ll be having words with that brother of mine.” She ran one finger down Goldie’s collarbone and smiled again. “Not that I can blame him. You’d test the patience of a saint, and he’s far too fond of you.”

  Goldie’s heart gave a little lurch, and she hastily dropped her gaze when Catalina raised an eyebrow and tapped her nose.

  “Now again, can you walk?”

  “I’m not sure, why?”

  “Yours is not to question why, sub.”

  Typical, just as Goldie was relaxing, Catalina the Domme was back. She took the outstretched hand, and Cat pulled. Goldie swayed, but she stayed upright, and Catalina slid one arm round her waist with a muttered, “Men.” That made Goldie giggle.

  “I don’t know, I’m rather fond of two of them at least.” She bit her lip nervously when Cat stiffened. Oh shit! Had she pissed her off again? Catalina didn’t respond, just helped her across the room into the bathroom where she ordered Goldie to sit on the side of the bath. Goldie thought it wise to do as she was told.

  Catalina proceeded to run a bath. The woman made the simple act look like a work of art. Goldie lost count how many different oils she mixed into the water, but it sure smelled good. She couldn’t stop the long drawn out sigh of bliss when Cat helped her into the fragrant water. It stung a little on her sore skin, and Cat murmured encouragement for her to immerse completely. Goldie did as she was told, rather taken aback by the soft tone of Catalina’s voice.

  “There that’ll help. Just relax and I will be back in a little while.”

  Goldie must have fallen asleep in the relaxing waters because the next thing she became aware of was Catalina quietly watching her. Goldie’s eyes widened at the other woman’s outfit. Gone was the earlier pantsuit and in its stead was a simple tank top and low riding jogging bottoms. Catalina’s face too was free of the heavy makeup, and her hair tumbled in soft curves around her face and into her cleavage. Goldie’s eyes followed the heavy strands down to the hard points of Catalina’s nipples poking through the thin fabric of Cat’s top. She hastily wrenched her gaze back up again, and Cat chuckled.

  “I thought I would slum it, as it’s just us girls. Now sit up and let me wash your hair.”

  “You don’t have to…”

  “Sit up, sub, now!” Goldie scrambled into a sitting position at the steely command. “That’s a good girl. How’s the back now, not too sore I hope?”

  “I’ll live,” Goldie replied, and Cat shot her an amused look.

  “I should hope so. I have plans for you. Now hold still.”

  Goldie gave herself over to Cat’s ministrations, and by the time Cat pulled her out of the bath, Goldie felt so relaxed, she was almost falling asleep again. Cat wrapped her up in a huge, fluffy towel and guided her back to the bed where she ordered her to lie facedown. She then proceeded to pat her dry from head to toe. The massage that followed relaxed Goldie further. Catalina’s clever hands soothed away the last of her aches and pains and left her all too aware of the other woman. When Cat dropped a
kiss on her shoulder and whispered in her ear to turn over, Goldie did so without hesitation. Cat smiled her approval.

  “Give me your hand.” Goldie’s heart beat a bit faster at the intent expression on Catalina’s face, but she did as Cat demanded, earning herself another smile. “Good girl.”

  Cat took the offered hand and stretched it high above Goldie’s head. She secured it to the headboard and then repeated the procedure with Goldie’s other hand. She gave a small tug and dropped a kiss on Goldie’s shoulder. “If your arms start hurting, tell me.”

  Goldie nodded. Cat rubbed some more of the soothing salve into her hands and then proceeded to give the same attention to Goldie’s front as she had shown her back. Starting at Goldie’s collarbone, she ran her hands in small circular motions over her shoulders, down her arms, across her tummy and up to the underside of Goldie’s breasts. She reapplied more salve and then repeated the strokes with one leg and then the other, careful to not touch Goldie’s pussy. By the time she worked her way back up to Goldie’s breasts, Catalina laughed.

  “My, what have we here, sub? Your tits look mighty pleased to see me.”

  Goldie couldn’t help her moan when Cat finally massaged Goldie’s aching globes. She flicked the nipples, causing Goldie to thrust into her hands. Cat leaned forward and kissed her. This kiss was demanding and promised of many more things to come. They were both breathing heavily by the time Cat pulled away. She yanked her top over her head and lifted her exposed breasts to Goldie’s mouth in silent invitation. Goldie latched onto the dusky pink pebble, and Cat moaned her approval. She stretched one of her arms down Goldie’s body until her hand reached Goldie’s pussy.

  “So wet already, my sub, and there is no man in sight.” Goldie thrust her hips upward while Cat explored her slick folds and found her G-spot immediately. She sucked Cat’s nipple harder in time with the fingers pushing in and out of her channel, and she moaned around the soft flesh in her mouth when Cat withdrew her fingers.

  Cat kissed her way down Goldie’s body, her tongue swirling over the sensitized tissues, and Goldie bucked off the bed when Cat licked her clit. Sensations assaulted her, the softness of Cat’s breasts, so familiar yet different, resting on her tummy, the scent of their combined arousal in the air. Cat shifted again, straddling Goldie until her pussy was directly over Goldie’s face. Cat arched like a cat and blew onto Goldie’s wet folds. She looked over her shoulder at Goldie and wiggled her ass.

  “Mind returning the favor, my sweet?” Their eyes locked for an instant and then Cat resumed her onslaught. “You’ve such a sweet cunt. This is wasted on the boys.” Her tongue darted deep into Goldie’s vagina, and Goldie flew. When Cat lowered her pussy into Goldie’s reach, she licked hesitantly at first, not at all sure what to expect. Cat’s musk invaded her nostrils, and Goldie shut her eyes and let her tongue explore. Their combined moans filled the air, and when Cat pushed Goldie over that edge and into a powerful orgasm, Goldie bit down on the soft flesh in her mouth.

  “Fuck yeah, do that again—harder, much, much harder, baby.”

  Goldie did just that, pushing Cat into her own intense climax. Her compliance earned her release from her binds, and the night that followed brought more pleasure than Goldie ever imagined until they fell into an exhausted slumber in each other’s arms.

  When Goldie woke up in Catalina’s bed the next morning, she found Jason deep in thought watching her. She smiled shyly at him, all too aware of Cat’s naked body next to her. He raised an eyebrow, and his smile turned wicked.

  “I sincerely hope she hasn’t rendered me redundant.”

  “Always brother,” came the husky, sleep-dazed reply, and Cat licked a path along Goldie’s neck, then bit her earlobe playfully.

  Jason growled, and Cat laughed.

  “Alas, I’m happy to share,” Cat said with a smirk toward her brother.

  “Excuse me, I’m right here, you know.” Goldie couldn’t help but point out the obvious, and Jason tensed for a minute.

  “Believe me, I’m very aware of that, Goldilocks.” Goldie swallowed nervously when he advanced on her, and with a deep growl toward Cat, picked Goldie up, and carried her back to his own room. He had her pinned to the wall and himself balls deep in her pussy before the door had even shut properly behind them, every powerful thrust slamming her into the wall until she screamed his name in surrender. He held her captive for several more hours until both of them fell asleep tangled in each other and with him still buried deep inside her.


  Goldie stretched. A ray of sunlight streaked through the room. Every time the curtain moved in the breeze from the open window, that shaft of light danced across her face. She turned away from it and smiled at the red rose on the pillow. Who knew her big, bad Dom could be so romantic? It gave Goldie’s silly little heart hope that maybe this wasn’t just a hot weekend fling. She scrambled out of bed and listened. All was quiet. Good grief, he’s actually left me on my own.

  It was a gloriously sunny Sunday afternoon, and Goldie wished she could venture outside. But that she couldn’t do. She had come a long way in losing her inhibitions but going out stark naked was not an option. As she watched out of the window, a bear ambled out of the woods surrounding the club and raised his head toward the sunshine. Goldie watched in fascination as he was joined by two other identical bears. One was slightly smaller and presumably the female of the group. Goldie smiled at the way they playfully shoved against each other. But what on earth were the grizzlies doing here? Was there a zoo nearby? The largest of the group reared on his hind legs. He was beautiful and at least seven feet tall stood up like a man, his eyes a beautiful deep golden color that reminded her of Jason’s. Her heart and clit clenched in anticipation of his touch. All three of her lovers—she blushed in the bright light of day, admitting the truth to herself—completed her in ways she wouldn’t have thought possible. But it was Jason who held her heart. Sometime over the last two days, she’d fallen hopelessly in love with him. She had been in lust ever since she first spotted him but love? She had no idea how on earth this was going to work out.

  Jason had explained to her only this morning how he’d waited for just the right moment to declare who he was, and Goldie smiled again remembering that conversation that had taken place with her tucked against his shoulder safely ensconced under his covers. He’d made love to her with a thorough tenderness and complete absence of kink, barring the handcuffs, and she’d almost blurted out her own feelings when they came together in another mind-blowing orgasm.

  “I thought you didn’t notice me at all.”

  He’d laughed softly, claiming her mouth in a thorough kiss. “Woman, you’ve no idea how much will power it took for me to not simply tie you to my desk there and then and fuck you senseless.” He smiled at her astonished gasp.

  “I don’t think you would have found me too averse to that idea, you know. I wanted you something bad from the first time I saw you.”

  “Now she tells me.” He swatted her ass playfully and sighed into her hair. “Truth is, a man in my position has to be careful. I had no idea whether I could trust my instincts and whether you were indeed the sweet sub I’d hoped you would be. Your rep round the office suggested otherwise.”

  Goldie flinched, all too aware she had the reputation of being a ballbuster. She wasn’t really. She just hadn’t seen what all the fuss was about. The few sexual encounters she had indulged in had left her feeling unsatisfied, like there was something wrong with her. Little had she known that she needed someone else to take charge of her sexuality until Jason showed her just what she had been missing. There was nothing wrong with her—vanilla sex just wasn’t enough. He kissed her nose and continued his tale.

  “So I watched you from a distance and I read your file.” He smiled to himself, staring off into the distance, one hand drawing lazy circles on her back. “Did you know your psychological profile screams ‘sub’ to anyone who knows what they’re looking for?”

“It does?” Goldie’s obvious astonishment showed in her voice.

  “Yes, my sweet, it does. So I took a chance and wrote that rather explicit note. One of two things was going to happen. You were either going to run for the hills, screaming bloody murder, or you’d show up. Turns out, not only did you turn up, you also exceeded all of my expectations. Believe it or not, Jacob and Cat pouncing on you like they did had not been in my plan.”

  “It wasn’t?” Goldie was starting to feel like a stuck CD repeating everything he said, and heat climbed into her cheeks. If it hadn’t been part of his plan, did that mean she was just a brazen hussy who’d forced his hand? The slap came out of nowhere, and Goldie gasped.

  “Don’t even go there in your mind. I won’t let you overthink this. It wasn’t in my plan, because I hadn’t let myself hope that you would be up for this kind of kink. I would have been quite happy had you refused to share your body as generously as you have. Finding a woman not only willing to embrace the life style but also willing to take on Jacob and Cat seemed too much to hope for.”

  He grew pensive, and Goldie snuggled closer into his reassuring warmth, wondering about the sudden tightness in his body. She sensed an inner struggle and propped herself up on one elbow to see his expression. He avoided her gaze, and she frowned. Well, there was one way to get his attention. She twirled her hand through the fine hair on his chest and followed the trail down to where his cock immediately stirred to life under her hand. He stilled her hand with one of his and then cupped her cheek to make her look at him.

  “Goldie, there is something else I need to tell you.” The urgency in his voice wasn’t lost on Goldie, and her heart gave a little bump before it started racing at his serious expression. She didn’t want this conversation now. Something told her she wasn’t going to like what he had to say. She cupped his balls instead and squeezed slightly. He groaned in response, and his cock grew bigger. She ran her fingernails up his hard length, making him curse out loud.