The Job Read online

Page 5

  “Nathanial Longton, here, send me up a range of what’s available on your late night menu, and some strong coffee ASAP, will you.”

  He didn’t bother to listen to the affirmation at the other end, before he ended the call and picked up his mobile.

  Johnson answered on the fourth ring, with a resigned yawn.

  “What trouble have you gotten yourself in now, Nat?”


  Alexandra came back round to the deep, annoyed rumble of Nathanial’s voice. Even in her befuddled state that sound alone made the fine hair on her arms stand to attention. She shifted to ease the resulting ache between her legs. The strong smell of coffee assaulted her nostrils seconds later. She groaned, struggling to sit up, and open her eyes, just in time to see Nat end his phone call. He smiled at her.

  His amber gaze lit up in barely disguised male appreciation. Belatedly, she realized that she was wearing only her underwear. Her dress lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the bed, next to his jacket and tie. While her fingers itched to yank the covers up to her chin, the expression on his face stopped her. Besides, he had clearly been the one to peel her out of the dress, so it would have been akin to bolting the stable door after the horse had already fled. A somewhat hysterical bubble of laughter escaped her tight throat at her convoluted thought processes. She sobered when Nathanial sat down next to her, offering her a steaming mug of coffee.

  When she made a grab for it, he raised an eyebrow.

  “Slow sips now, to help you get some color back in those cheeks. Then I want to see you eat something.”

  His voice brooked no argument, so Alex murmured her agreement while she wrapped her hands around the coffee cup. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.

  Several cautious sips of the live-giving elixir later, she felt more like her usual self. Opening her eyes, she found Nathanial watching her with the most curious expression on his face.

  Her heart beat faster from that look, making her all too aware of the way her nipples firmed and pushed against the lace cups of her bra, like come-notice-me beacons. She should have been embarrassed really, especially when Nat’s gaze dropped down to her chest snaring on her boobs. She could have sworn her breasts grew heavier. Alex barely suppressed a whimper, when he raised his hand and skimmed his knuckles over one needy bud. It made the neglected nipple on the other side ache even more, causing her to almost spill her coffee as her hand shook in need.

  Abandoning her breasts, he took the mug out of her hand. With a sinful grin, he handed her a plate full of sandwiches.

  “Now eat. Then we’ll talk.”

  Alex pulled a face. She pointedly looked at his groin where his cock was testing the strength of his tailored trousers and promptly jumped when Nat swatted her leg.

  “Ouch,” she said, glaring at him.

  “I said eat. I don’t want you passing out on me again. We need to talk, not fuck.”

  Alex dutifully bit into the cheese and pickle sandwich. She couldn’t quite suppress her moan of delight as the flavors exploded on her tongue.

  “Glad to see that’s still your favorite. The choices were limited this late at night. I figured you’d want something simple, filling, and familiar. Tell me, when was the last time you ate something?”

  He smiled, when Alex grunted in response and chewed her mouthful, before she answered.

  “Breakfast, I think.”

  Nat shook his head and scowled at her.

  “No wonder you keep fainting. You need to take better care of yourself. What were you thinking?”

  The censure stung, but with her tummy rumbling her approval at the food, she ignored that question in favor of eating. Nathanial joined her with his own plate of food. By the time they were done, she was pleasantly full.

  “Better?” He took the plate off her, handed her a glass of water and smiled.

  Alex nodded. “Yes, Sir, thank you.”

  His eyes flashed in some deep emotion that made her heartrate kick up into dangerous territory. She hastily gulped the water down for a distraction.

  “Glad you’re remembering protocol, because I owe you a punishment, I seem to recall.” His grin deepened when she choked on the last mouthful of water. Taking the glass of her, he patted her on the back until the coughing stopped. Alex looked at him through watery eyes and shook her head.

  “Oh yes.” Wrapping his hand in her hair, he tilted her head sideways, and pulled her toward him. He licked up her neck, right over the sensitive spot where her heartbeat was going crazy. Alex moaned when he took the fleshy part of her earlobe between his teeth, and bit down slightly.

  “We should talk limits and such like, but as I don’t intend to go too hard on you for our first time, I think we can skip that, unless there is something I need to know now?”

  Alex closed her eyes and squeezed her thighs together to relieve the throbbing pulse between her legs. She suspected she could come from that deep cadence of his voice alone. Like molten chocolate it dripped into her conscience with its sensual promise of wicked delights, making it impossible to think straight.

  “I thought we were going to talk?” How she managed to get those words out she would never know. She sighed when Nat changed direction, nibbling his way along her jaw, until he found her mouth and claimed her in a kiss. She opened to the gentle strokes of his tongue. He grunted his approval when she kissed him back. Just like the last time they kissed it quickly turned passionate as Nat fucked her mouth in such a way that left her in no doubt how much he wanted her. His erection was a hard ridge against her thigh. Alex frantically pulled at the buttons of his shirt to get to his skin.

  Buttons pinged off, and she sighed in triumph as her fingers connected with his hair roughened abs. She traced her fingertips over the dips and valleys, following the trail of hair down to the waist band of his trousers.

  Nat wrenched his lips off hers, stopping her fumbling digits with a shake of his head. Half in, half out of his shirt he looked like a man on the edge of his control. It gave her a secret thrill of feminine power to see him this in thrall of the sexual pull between them. He got off the bed, shrugged out of his shirt completely, and her mouth went dry in anticipation of what was to come, especially when he yanked the sheet from her body, exposing her to his hungry gaze.

  “Present for me, girl, you know what to do.”

  His voice sounded hoarse. It chased away the last of her misgivings. She might well regret this in the morning, but for now, she needed this, wanted this one night with him. She had no doubt that Nathanial would take her out of her head, help her forget all that bad stuff that had happened, as she scrambled to her knees in the middle of the bed.

  “Good girl, take your bra off for me. Then spread your legs as wide as they go. Let me see what’s mine, pet.”

  He grinned at her groan in answer. Alex gave herself a moment to admire the play of muscles in his chest as he ran a hand through his hair. He picked up the tie off the floor, where it had fallen when he yanked the sheet off the bed.

  Twisting it around his hand, he raised an eyebrow at her. Alex scrambled to take off her bra.

  “Not so fast, girl, nice and slow. Give me a show.”

  His grin deepened when she groaned again, but she dutifully reached behind to undo her clasp. Using her arms, she kept the bra pinned to her side. She then made a big show of slipping each strap off her shoulder with her index finger. His eyes darkened further when she shrugged her shoulders. Releasing her grip on the sides of her bra, she allowed the cups to slip, as she leaned forward.

  “Okay, not that slow. Show me your tits.”

  She giggled at the strain in his voice, then threw her bra over her shoulder with as much flourish as she could muster. Unfortunately she almost upended the glass of water on the nightstand in the process. It wobbled precariously, before it stopped right on the edge. Alex breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that it didn’t fall.

  When she looked back at Nathanial the warm affection mixed in with amusement ga
ve her a warm glow inside. Mindful of his instructions, she got back on her knees, spread her legs as far they went, and grasping one globe each lifted her breasts up for her Sir’s inspection.

  She caught his smile of approval, before she dropped her gaze to the bed. The knowledge that she pleased him made her feel ten feet tall inside.

  “Such a good girl. Close your eyes for me. I don’t want you to see, just feel.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s my good girl.” She heard the smile in his voice. In the next instant, the bed dipped. Something soft and silky trailed across the tips of her engorged nipples. The slight contact sent frissons of excitement down her spine. When his hot breath ghosted across the sensitive flesh she didn’t even try to stop her moan.

  “That’s my girl. I want to hear you. I want to hear every little moan and sigh. When I eat you out, finally allow you to come, I want to hear you scream. Does my beautiful pet think she can do that for me?”

  His deep, dark voice pulled her under. Alex knew she would have done about everything for him right now. Her clit pulsed and her internal muscles clenched in desperate need for his touch, as he resumed the erotic torture of her nipples with what she assumed must be his tie. He alternated the soft strokes of the fabric with licks of his tongue. She jumped when he sucked one hardened peak into his mouth, while torturing the other side with feather light caresses of his silky tie.

  Every suck and pull from his mouth sent darts of need down to her clit. Her thighs grew damp, her thong gave up the fight in containing the liquid evidence of her arousal, and she whimpered in need, pushing her breasts farther into his mouth.

  A sharp swat to her thigh was her answer. Alex groaned her disappointment when she felt him withdraw.

  “Hold still, pet, or I’ll start with that punishment after all. In fact…”

  Before she knew what was happening the air shifted. In the next instant, he’d pushed her face down onto the bed. She jumped when he cupped her mound through the sodden lace of her underwear, rubbed his palm up and down her slit with just enough pressure to ramp up her arousal even more but not enough to come.

  “So fucking wet for me already. You’re getting wetter by the minute, girl. Tell me is it me or the thought of punishment that turns you on?” he asked.

  “You Sir … ouch.”

  The resulting slap to her ass stung like crazy. It meant she would have collapsed onto the bed, had he not grasped her hips and pulled her ass back into the air. His hands on her backside soothed the sting from his earlier swat. Alex groaned when she felt him kiss the globe he’d just hit. He followed that gentle touch with a bite hard enough to make her yelp, before he soothed that sting away with his lips.

  “I love your ass, baby. I should warn you, I like to bite, leave my marks. Is that okay with you?”

  The strain in his voice was music to her ears. She panted the only answer she could give to that far too arousing thought.

  “God, yes, Sir. Green, I’m green, please don’t stop.”

  Chapter Seven

  Her breathless reply made Nathanial even harder, if that was possible. To know she was indeed with him in the moment made him eager to hurry this along. On the other hand, he also wanted to prolong this. Besides they still had to clear the air about what had really happened ten years ago. His blood boiled just thinking of his cousin. Nat didn’t like the suspicions he had about that one little bit.

  “Sir, please?” Her breathy question pulled him out of the dark path his thoughts had meandered toward. Shaking his head, he focused back on the trembling woman in front of him. Head to one side, she was staring at him, through wide, slightly unfocused eyes. He delivered another open handed swat to her other butt cheek this time. She moaned, as she collapsed back on the bed and he had to hide his grin.

  “Did I give you permission to open your eyes, girl?”

  Alex’s breathing sped up. She hastily shut her eyes and groaned when he massaged the angry red handprint left behind on her pale ass away. She was so fucking responsive and her skin marked beautifully. By the wetness coating her thighs, she was also a bit of a pain slut—perfect for him—in other words. It wasn’t often that Nat gave the more sadistic side of his free reign. He knew they would have to have some serious discussions about her limits before he could truly indulge in that dark side of him, but her responses so far made his blood sing.

  “No, Sir, I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Nat bent and bit right in the middle of that handprint, eliciting a deep throated groan from his girl, which made him grin.

  “I’m sure you are, but it’s also pretty obvious that you’ll need help following instructions to keep still for me, so…”

  Picking up the abandoned tie, he tapped the back of her head.

  “Lift up. I’m going to blindfold you.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Alex complied immediately. Nat made short work of tying the fabric around her eyes. When he was satisfied that it was secure, he straddled her legs. Separating her hair down the middle, he braided it into two long plaits that reached halfway down her back. By the time he was finished his girl’s breathing had sped up to such a degree that she was in danger of hyperventilating. He lifted off her, and kissed his way down the graceful curve of her spine, until he reached the hot globes of her ass, and squeezed. Alex moaned and tried to clamp her thighs together.

  “Oh, no, you don’t. Your orgasms belong to me. You will not come unless I give you permission.” Smiling at her frustrated grunt, he swatted her ass several times in quick succession, before he bent to take the string of her thong between his teeth and pulled upward.

  Her hips came up with the movement. Alex mumbled words he didn’t quite catch as he yanked the material up and down her slit. A renewed gush of her essence was his reward. Nat inhaled deeply of her sweet musk, before he yanked hard. The delicate lace gave way with an audible rip. Spreading her ass cheeks, he saw his fill of her wet, swollen pussy.

  “Hmm, what have we here, girl. Such a naughty little pet, I’ve got. All wet, pink, and eager for my cock.”

  Another needy moan escaped his girl. He chuckled and blew across her wet slit. Her already engorged clit stood proud of its hood. The bundle of nerves contracted under his puffs of air, as her pussy hole ejected more of her feminine arousal.

  “Please, Sir, I’m so close … please…”

  Alexandra jumped when he indulged himself by licking along her slit. It was his turn to groan as she gushed into his mouth.

  “So fucking hot and delicious. Tell me this pussy is mine to do with as I please, girl.”

  He grunted the words in between licking, nibbling, and suckling at her wet cunt. Like a never ending stream of delight her juices kept coming. Her moans, sighs, and mewls spurred him on. Only when her whole body tensed, as she was seemingly hovering on the edge of her release, did he come up for air.

  With her legs drawn up under her bum to give him access to her sweet cunt, her sweat slicked skin flushed in her arousal, her swollen folds all pink and wet for him, she made a beautiful sight as she fisted the bed covers. Her ass, however, wasn’t red enough for his liking. When she started to press herself into the covers in a seeming effort to get herself off, it gave him the perfect excuse to ramp this all up another notch.

  Putting all his considerable force behind it, he slapped her straight across both her butt cheeks. Alexandra screamed. He wasn’t entirely surprised when she tumbled head first into an explosive orgasm. Yes, his girl definitely liked that bite of pain.

  “Oh, now, this won’t do, my sweet thing. You’ve asked for this, pet.”

  He paused to rub the mark his hand had left behind, loving the way she raised her ass into his touch with another deep throated needy moan.

  “So fucking hot. Remember your safe words, if this gets too much, pet, what are they?”

  He chuckled to himself, as he grasped hold of both her arms. He brought them back up high against her back. Alex grunted and writhed under him.

I’ve asked you a question, girl.” He firmed his voice, even as he twisted the ends of one braid around her wrists. He proceeded to do the same with the other one. Picking up the ruined thong, he used it to tie everything together until she was strung up by her hair in a most satisfactory manner. It pulled her head back slightly as she strained to pull her arms down. Nat grinned, and swatted her ass again.

  “Answer me, girl. Where are you in the traffic lights right now? I can guess, but I want to hear you say it.”

  Judging by her earlier use of green, he surmised that she was familiar with the use. It was a recognized term in the lifestyle after all. Red for stop, orange for hold on we need to talk about this, green for all systems go.

  “Gr-reen, Sir.” Her hesitant answer came out slurred. Nathanial’s grin deepened, when he realized that she was slipping into sub space. Now to keep her there for a while.

  “Good girl. I’m going to give you twenty swats, for your earlier misdemeanors. I want you to count them. Got that?”

  A moan was his reply. Nat grinned and got to work.


  Still shaking in aftershocks after that orgasm she’d had, Alexandra could only moan her acquiescence as blow after hard blow rained down on her sore ass.

  Somehow she must have managed to keep up with the counting to Sir’s satisfaction, though how he understood the garbled, slurred words that came out of her mouth she would never know. With every hard swat, her ass set on fire. Her body tensed and hurtled higher up the rungs of arousal. Her pussy muscles quivered under the onslaught as she continued to have mini contractions keeping her on edge. Not enough to fully go over, and lord help her, she wouldn’t survive the force of that brewing orgasm if she did.

  Pain and pleasure morphed into one and the same, pushing her up high above herself into that happy floaty space she hadn’t been in for far too long.

  “Twenty.” The last count left her on a long exhale. Heat trawled up from her abused ass, as Nathanial massaged the tender flesh. He delivered bites along the way, while murmuring endearments her fevered brain latched onto.