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Auctioned to the Gentle Dom [The Spectrum Auctions 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Read online

Page 8

  “You’re being ridiculous, Logan. You can’t mean this. She’ll run rings round you, and you have nothing in common.”

  Logan didn’t bother to give Maurice’s statement any heed by acknowledging it, even if he might have a point. Had he not told himself all these things over and over? Instead, he closed the distance between them until Lindsey’s breath mingled with his and her eyes fluttered shut. Starting at the frown line between her eyes, he dropped light kisses along her skin. The salt of her earlier tears mixed in with the unique, sweet taste that was her, as he kissed her closed eyelids, ran his tongue along her nose and then her upper lip, silently coaxing her to open up for him.

  “Kiss me, baby.” Her eyes flew open at his murmured words delivered in between more light kisses along the corners of her mouth. “And say, ‘yes, Sir.’”

  Lindsey gasped, and he wasted no time to slip his tongue inside the sweet haven of her mouth. Her needy whimper shot straight to his groin, and he took the kiss deeper. When she kissed him back with tentative flicks of her tongue, he groaned into the kiss.

  Lifting her up, he deposited her on the edge of the sink. The urge to run his hands up her dress, to part her legs, and to see whether she was wet for him was almost too much to resist. However, the one still-functioning brain cell of his not consumed with lust made him simply step between her legs, and kiss her some more. Lindsey clung to him, her little mewls of surrender music to his ears, as he fucked her mouth in such a way it would leave no one in doubt that he wanted her.

  By the time he finally forced himself to break the kiss, his heart was thundering in tune to his harsh breathing, and far more importantly, he felt gloriously alive, especially seeing how thoroughly rattled his little bird was. Face flushed, she swayed slightly as he released her, and her fingers flew to her kiss-swollen lips. It was the tiny smile playing around her mouth, however, and the naked desire with which she looked at him when she finally opened her eyes that did him in. It also made the inherent caveman in him strut. Whoever the asshole she supposedly loved was, he’d clearly never kissed her like that.

  Pressing his advantage, he dropped another quick kiss on her lips.

  “Say, yes, Sir.”

  He grinned when she startled, and finally said the words he wanted to hear more than anything right now.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Something sounding suspiciously like a sob came from Georgina, and as though her daughter had just remembered they weren’t alone, she blushed, and, dropping her head, hid her face against his shoulder. He supposed it was an improvement on hiding behind her hair. His amusement deepened when he clearly heard her strangled exclamation.

  “Oh, god, they saw.”

  Gently nudging her chin up, he studied her.

  “Yes, they did, baby. You heard her, too, right, Maurice? Lindsey is marrying me, just as soon as it can be arranged. I take it you have no objection to this?”

  It wasn’t a question so much as a statement, and, helping Lindsey off the edge of the sink, he turned to face his future father-in-law.

  Georgina flew to his side and forestalled anything the other man might have said.

  “Of course he has no objection. How could he? After all, this is what Lindsey wan—”

  “Mama, please.”

  Lindsey’s plea stopped whatever her mother was going to say, and she mimed her lips being shut by a zip, a rather curious gesture for Lady Georgina, and it made him wonder what he was missing here, but then Maurice nodded.

  “Fine, at least she gets married, and…” He had the good sense to stop talking when Logan glared at him.

  “There will be conditions attached, of course,” Logan said, “regarding your conduct in general, and starting with how we’re going to handle tonight’s debacle of a ball.” When Maurice pushed out his chest in bluster, Logan put his hand up to stop him.

  “No, we will do this my way. I’ll marry Lindsey regardless. That’s completely non-negotiable, but if you expect my help, you will do exactly what I say, otherwise you’re on your own, and I don’t give a flying rat’s ass what Montgomery will do to you.”

  He turned his attention back to Lindsey, when she gasped, and smiled at both her and her mother.

  “Georgina, can you please help Lindsey to her rooms? Maurice is about to announce that the evening is over, because she isn’t feeling well, and—”

  “They’ll never believe that.”

  Logan raised an eyebrow at the other man’s interruption, and Maurice stopped talking.

  “I don’t expect them to, but that’s the story we’re sticking to. There’ll be an announcement of my engagement to Lady Honoraria Callan-Brannan in the papers come Monday, and we’ll be married as soon as it can be arranged.” He glanced back at Lindsey when he said it and offered her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “In any way she would like to.” His smile deepened at the shocked look of surprise on her face, and sure enough, her answer spoke volumes.

  “You mean I get to choose where we get married?”

  “Of course, little bird. It’s your wedding. I dare say you’ll have some dream location in mind, and—”

  “No, never.” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth, and pulled away from Georgina in her seeming agitation, and Logan’s stomach churned. She wasn’t going to pull out of this already, was she?

  “No, as in, you don’t want to marry me, or…”

  A tense silence fell in the room, and even Maurice had the good sense to stay quiet for once.

  Logan started breathing again when she shook her head.

  “No, I don’t mean…It’s just I want something small, nothing fancy. Nothing like he had planned.” A shudder went through her frame, leaving Logan in no doubt of whom she was referring to, and he stepped over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. The trembling stopped and she offered him a wobbly smile.

  “Like I said, you can have any wedding you want, within reason. I would object to getting married at the top of the London Eye, or at the bottom of a swimming pool, as I don’t particularly like heights, and I would like to be able to kiss my bride, rather than have a breathing apparatus in the way.” He winked at her when he said that, and Lindsey giggled. It was a sound he hoped to hear more of.

  “Anyway, we can sort that out. For now, go with your mother, and just trust me, okay?”

  Lindsey searched his face for what felt like ages, but could only have been moments, before she nodded.

  “I do trust you, Sir.”

  Her mother inhaled sharply, clearly catching the meaning of the title this time round, and Logan knew he would have to have that talk with Georgina again. She hadn’t approved of his and Elena’s Dom/sub relationship, but had eventually come round to the idea. Of course, she might feel differently about her only daughter, but he would cross that particular bridge when they got to it.

  For now, at least, Georgina took Lindsey’s hand and tugged her along, which left him on his own with his soon-to-be father-in-law.

  “You’re mightily bossy about all of this,” Maurice said with a frown, and Logan laughed.

  “Someone has to be in charge and clear up this fucking mess you’ve made of your life, which reminds me. First thing on my list for you come Monday morning is your enrolment in a rehab clinic. The drinking stops now.”

  Logan rather enjoyed the way the other man’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

  “You cannot be serious. I’m not an alcoholic, dammit.”

  “Yes, you are, and believe me, I’m perfectly serious. You have a wife and daughter who love you, and I’ll not stand by and see you drink yourself into the grave. Nor will I let you gamble away Lindsey’s inheritance. You will not see a penny of her money. I’ll settle the debt you owe Montgomery, and will give you a head start to get your horse racing back up off the ground, but that is it.”

  Chapter Seven

  The next few days flew by in a whirlwind of activity that left Lindsey breathless. Predictably, the announcement of their en
gagement in the papers caused a flurry of media and family interest, and the phone never stopped ringing. Lindsey wouldn’t have managed to cope with it at all, but Logan had enlisted the help of Club Spectrum’s Public Relations Manager Peyton King.

  Once Master Pedro’s fiancée had recovered from her initial shock of not only finding out who Lindsey really was, but also the small, astonishing matter of her marrying Logan, she’d risen to the occasion like only she could. Mama had reluctantly ceased interfering, though Lindsey was pretty sure she had no idea who Peyton really was.

  The stunning brunette had winked at Lindsey when she’d voiced her concerns. “Need-to-know-only basis. What her ladyship doesn’t know, her ladyship doesn’t have to worry over. You just figure out where you want to get married, and Master Logan and I will make it happen, though I blame you for my sore ass. Pedro was not best pleased when he found out you two were getting married before us.”

  Lindsey hadn’t known what to say to that, and Peyton had burst out laughing.

  “Relax, I’m pulling your leg. Something would be wrong if I didn’t have a sore behind.” Peyton had sobered, taking in Lindsey’s expression. “Look, I realize this is none of my business, but we’re all dying to know how this all came about. I mean, I understand the need for your disguise to an extent, but this whole marrying-so-fast thing? Are you sure that’s what you want? Master Logan is to-die-for, of course, but…”

  Lindsey had blinked away tears, and Peyton had stopped talking and pulled her in for a hug.

  “Never mind me. My reporter brain can never shut up. Like I said, none of my business, and Master Logan is one of the good guys, after all. So, where are we holding this wedding? The Club would be ideal, I reckon. It would keep the reporters out, that’s for sure, though your poor mama might have a heart attack.”

  The whole conversation made Lindsey smile now as she approached the imposing offices that housed Logan’s solicitors. He was going to meet her there, and her heart beat faster at the thought of seeing him again. Last time she had, had been Monday morning, when he’d made it his personal mission to escort Papa to his stint at the rehab clinic. Lindsey still couldn’t believe that he’d agreed to attend. It meant he wouldn’t be there at the wedding, as the rehab had a strict three months’ boot camp policy. Logan had expressed his regret for that, but Lindsey thought it best if her father wasn’t there. She never did anything right in his eyes, anyway, and at least this way he wouldn’t be there to spoil the day for her.

  This might not be the love match she had always hoped for. She hadn’t exactly been truthful with Logan when she’d said she’d never dreamt of her wedding—she so had. Impossible daydreams of Logan declaring she was his one true love. In her fantasies, he had never been married, let alone widowed, and he loved only her, rather than this arrangement they were entering into now.

  Still, beggars couldn’t be choosers, as her dear Grandmama had always said, and while this might not be her dream, at least she was marrying Logan, and not…

  She pushed all thoughts of Montgomery firmly out of her mind. After all, the man had taken off in a huff. While she couldn’t shake the feeling that it couldn’t be that easy, she clung onto the hope that she’d seen the last of him as she entered the foyer and approached the huge reception desk. The friendly-looking receptionist looked up, and a pang of self-consciousness assaulted Lindsey when the woman’s gaze automatically dropped to her scarred jaw, before she plastered a professional smile on her expression and looked up at Lindsey.

  No matter how often she received that reaction, it still made her want to hide somewhere, or at the very least pull down her hair, but Logan had been very specific in his instructions. She was not to hide behind her hair, minimal make-up only, and the thing that worried her most was that he expected her to resume her shifts behind the bar at Spectrum.

  “You have an obligation to them, and besides, I know you enjoy your time there. You’ll return to your duties, but no disguises.”

  Tonight was to be her first shift and Lindsey was a nervous wreck just thinking about it.

  “Can I help you?” the receptionist asked.

  “Yes, I’m here for an appointment to see Mr. Smitterton. I have a prenuptial agreement to sign.” Lord only knew what made her add that bit of information, let alone in that strange intonation. She didn’t blame Logan for wanting a prenup. It was the sensible thing to do, after all.

  “Of course, you’re Lady Honoraria.” Lindsey narrowed her eyes at the other woman, but she couldn’t read any malice in her expression, just mild curiosity. “They are expecting you. I was told to show you straight in. If you’ll follow me, please.”

  The receptionist emerged from behind her desk and led Lindsey through a set of heavy glass doors and along a long corridor, from which several doors led off. Lindsey’s heels clacked on the marble flooring in tune with the other woman’s stilettos, as she took in the understated elegance of her surroundings. This place reeked of old wealth and status, and not for the first time the idle thought crossed her mind as to how much exactly Logan was worth.

  Mama wouldn’t divulge anything other than what Lindsey already knew. Logan came from a self-made American family. His father had once been a famous boxer who had gone on to become an equally infamous trainer. Wise investment had made the family a small fortune. As an only child, all of this had come into Logan’s possession at his father’s passing a good twenty years ago now.

  “So, you see, don’t worry about the money side,” Mama had said. “Logan is independently wealthy, and that is quite apart from his thriving veterinary practice. He’ll look after you, my dear.”

  Bearing all that in mind, she was glad she had given into the instinct to dress up. The sheath dress she’d chosen to wear, showed off her cleavage, yet remained demure and professional. A clutch bag, a light shawl around her shoulders, and nude medium-heeled court shoes with her hair in a messy bun at the nape of her neck screamed “professional,” after all. She might give off the vibes of a ditzy blonde in her disguise at the Club, but right now she was Lady Honoraria. Mama would be proud. Hell, even Papa would be hard-pushed to find fault with her clothing, at least.

  They stopped outside an imposing oak door at the end of the corridor, and Miss Receptionist offered Lindsey an apologetic smile as raised voices could be heard loud and clear. Well, one raised voice, to be precise. Logan’s answers remained even, and strong, with that edge of quiet steel that made her knickers damp in an instant. So much for remaining professional. She hadn’t even seen Logan yet, and she was already lusting after him. It was really quite ridiculous, and she was a hopeless case.

  “Logan, as your solicitor, and as your friend, I strongly advise against that course of action. She’s—”

  “My fiancée, and my mind is made up. Just do what I pay you for….”

  Miss Receptionist chose that moment to knock on the door, and the voices stopped. Lindsey didn’t know whether to be relieved or annoyed that they weren’t talking about her anymore, and before she could make her mind up about that the door swung open.

  “Lady Honoraria here to see you both.”

  She stepped to one side to let Lindsey through and she entered into the lion’s den. Or so it felt right now. A gray-haired, bespectacled man in a navy striped business suit looked her up and down before he smiled and gestured for her to sit down in front of the desk he was standing behind.

  “My lady.”

  “Lindsey, please.”

  “I told you she doesn’t go by her given name, James. Stop being an ass and let’s get this over with.”

  Logan’s deep voice from somewhere behind her made Lindsey spin round, and she sank down into the indicated leather chair. Logan, too, was dressed in a suit, tailor-made, if she had to guess. The way it hugged his body in all the right places, it had to be, and boy, could Logan wear a suit well. It made every feminine cell in her body sigh, and when he crossed the distance between them, smiled, took her hand and kissed it…Lindsey was g
lad she was sitting.

  “Did you find the place all right?” he asked.

  Not trusting her voice to work at that moment, she simply nodded.

  “Good, then let’s get this over with. Talk her through the papers, James.”

  The solicitor pulled a face, and dumped a folder in front of her.

  “Right then, I feel the need to state that this is going against my wishes.”

  Logan cleared his throat, and Lindsey looked between the two men, her confusion mounting by the minute.

  “If it helps, I don’t mind signing a prenuptial agreement at all. After all, this is an arrangement, rather than a—”

  She jumped when Logan thumped the desk with his fist, and James sighed and leaned back in his chair.

  “Let us get one thing straight right now, little bird. This is not just an arrangement. I expect us to have a full marriage and a Dom/sub relationship. If you cannot deal with that, then…Fuck.”

  Before she could respond at all, Logan shot out of his chair and stepped over the floor-to-ceiling windows that made up one side of the office. Arms clasped behind his back, he stared through them, tension pouring off him.

  “I-that is... I do want that…”

  “Before you say anything else, I should point out this isn’t a prenuptial agreement. Not the one I usually prepare. For reasons best known to my client, he has taken it upon himself to not protect himself, but only you. Mainly, your inheritance.”

  Lindsey just stared at the other man, and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “A very one-sided deal, especially considering how much he’s forked out to protect—”

  “James.” Logan’s voice could have cut steel, and when he turned back around to glare at the other man, Lindsey’s throat went dry in apprehension. He looked every inch the pissed-off Dom right now, and it was the biggest turn-on ever. Had they been alone, she’d already be on her knees, no question.